Social Science Forum 72 (XXIX)

Mulieris Dignitatem and God's Wariness

Maca Jogan

ABSTRACT:  The author addresses the key characteristics of the religious shaping of women’s identity and their social role in the Catholic Church (CC), with the following aims: to disclose the misogyny contained in relevant CC explanations, to evaluate its reaction to the social processes of emancipation and to answer the question of whether Catholic feminism means a radical break in managing the »second sex«. On the basis of a content analysis of post-council official documents, she concludes that the key misogynist and androcentric characteristic of the explanations remains. Otherwise, the CC deals with topics of greater gender equality, although it strongly rejects those approaches which include necessary structural changes and defends the ‘new’, ‘Catholic feminism’, albeit according to its reductionist concept of woman as a subordinated assistant to man. The CC itself remains a strongly male-dominated institution, even though during the last few
decades broader social opportunities for women’s autonomy have increased and this has also decreased the coercion of ‘God’s plan’ regarding the managing of women.

KEY WORDS: androcentrism, Catholic Church, Catholic feminism, misogyny, new evangelisation, woman’s dignity

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Trust in social actors and attitudes towards genetically modified organisms in Slovenia

Mitja Hafner Fink, Jožica Čehovin Zajc, Karmen Erjavec, Samo Uhan

IZVLEČEK: This article tries to fulfil the research gap left by the fact that no study to date has examined how trust in social actors affects attitudes towards genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Therefore, two key hypotheses were posited: a) trust in social actors is a more important factor of attitudes towards GMOs than knowledge about GMOs; and b) trust in certain social actors is a more important factor than trust in other social actors. Telephone survey data of adult Slovenians were used. The analyses show that: a) general trust in social actors has a positive effect on attitudes towards GMOs; b) trust in various social actors has different effects; and c) trust in social actors has a stronger effect on attitudes towards GMOs than knowledge about GMOs.

KLJUČNE BESEDE: trust in social actors, attitude towards GMOs, knowledge, linear multiple regression, principle component analysis

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Relations between authorities in the Slovenian local self-government system

Miro Haček, Simona Kukovič, Anja Grabner

ABSTRACT:  The paper aims to analyse the relationship between the legislative (municipal council) and executive (mayor, deputy mayor) branches of power in the Slovenian system of local self-government. In the centre lies the role of the mayor, the role of the director of the municipal administration and the role of the municipal council together with the relationship (which has changed significantly in the past two decades) between the mayor and these two bodies. The theoretical anchor of the contribution is the work of Mouritzen and Svara (2002) where the authors categorise ideal models of executive government at the sub-national levels of government and the relations inside the executive. Based on previous empirical research studies, we analyse the functioning of the executive and legislative branches of power and their mutual relations, starting from the assumption that those relations do not correspond to the quite rigidly defined normative frameworks, but in practice often move beyond them.

KEY WORDS: občina, odnosi, župan, direktor občinske uprave, občinski svet

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What about pop? History and histories of Slovenian popular music

Peter Stanković

ABSTRACT:  The history of Slovenian popular music is one of the most under-researched areas of Slovenian cultural heritage. It can be argued, therefore, that no definitions of Slovenian popular music would have been established had extensive research not been carried out by different scholars and experts, functioning in this respect as a kind of substitute for official work. The question here is simply what kind of understanding of Slovenian popular music emerges in this more or less spontaneous and unofficial research. The author analyses the content of all Slovenian scientific and expert monographs, scientific and expert articles, film and TV documentaries as well as school textbooks, at least some segments of which address Slovenian popular music, and argues that these accounts are significantly biased: for the most part, they focus only on different marginal music genres while the majority of other music genres, including all those that are the most popular among Slovenians, are neglected.

KEY WORDS: popular music, history of Slovenian popular music, music genres, cultural heritage, alternative music

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Material conditions and discourses of popular music heritage in Slovenia

Luka Zevnik

ABSTRACT: The article draws research into popular music together with the rapidly developing field of heritage studies. The central question is how to think of (Slovenian) popular music in heritage terms from theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives. The article first develops a theoretical and methodological framework to analyse popular music heritage and then applies it to the case of Slovenia. While several official institutions collect certain material aspects of popular music heritage, the discursive analysis and the in-depth interviews with music experts suggest it is impossible to speak of an official discourse of popular music heritage. The existing discourses and practices of popular music heritage are mostly limited to NGO organisations and DIY popular music collectors.

KEY WORDS: popular music heritage, (Slovenian) popular music, cultural heritage, popular music history, cultural policy, music archives

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European politics of survivance: Europeanization as a rite of passage

Slaviša Raković

ABSTRACT: This paper attempts to examine Europeanization as a politics that inaugurates an imagined common sociality among imagined Europeans. It is argued that Europeanization may be viewed as a rite of passage that comes out of a social drama staged for the purpose of surpassing the flaws of the European existence, and for the sake of survivance (risk reduction). The notion of Europeanization is examined against a body of empirical (secondary) data as well as against theoretical concepts stemming from different areas of humanistic knowledge. The conclusion is that Europeanization is staged as a process of bringing about qualitative changes in politics, the economy and the social order with the aim to create and maintain the desired image of an imagined progressive Europe.

KEY WORDS: Europeanization, performative, survivance, rite of passage, social drama

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